Passionate About Participation
Hello, I am Hayley, and I set up Independence Found Ltd in 2017. I was introduced to occupational therapy as a teenager when I took a job as an assistant therapist in a brain injury rehabilitation unit. I fell in love with the profession and so went on to complete my training, qualifying from Coventry University in 2002. I continue to believe I have my dream job as I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of my work over the years. I believe in the health benefits of empowering people to participate in the things that they value or want and need to do.
I am the founder and director of Independence Found Ltd. As the Principle Occupational Therapist, I provide clinical leadership for the Activ-OT rehabilitation service. I carry a caseload of mixed complexity clients and also have a select group of experienced and highly skilled Occupational Therapists who work with me. They bring a great mix of skill to the team and so we make the most of working collaboratively and sharing best practices.
I am also a Clinical Case Manager and Director with Independence Works Ltd.
"I put clients at the centre of their therapy and apply a goal directed approach to identifying what each client needs, wants or is expected to change or participate in. I provide solution focused interventions to progress towards their goals."
I qualified in 2002 and am registered with HCPC and enrolled with the DBS service. I am an active member of RCOT, and volunteer with an RCOT specialist section. I participate in regular clinical supervision, continuing professional development and business mentorship and regularly seek feedback from those who use my service in order to continue to evolve my practice.